Canned fruit products

Conservas La Bonita

venta de frutas enlatadas en almíbar

Canned fruit products

Conservas "La Bonita" S.A. de C.V. Conservas "La Bonita" S.A. de C.V. Our canned fruits in syrup stand out for being fruits that are carefully selected before being packaged and processed to maintain their consistency and appearance as a star ingredient in the confectionery and food service industry, we offer a wide range of fruits in syrup for Mexico and export quality: canned fruits in pineapple syrup in slices and pieces, mango in pieces, tropical cocktail, whole and guava hulls, whole peach and whole lychee.

We have a production plant at Calle Article 123 # 6, Benemérito Juárez, Oaxaca (Mexico), we have 2 production lines for canned pineapple, 2 production lines for canned mango and 1 production line for canned peaches, guava and tropical cocktail, all our facilities are certified by FOOD SAFETY SYSTEM CERTIFICATION 22000 (FSSC 22000)

telefono de la bonita México y USA +52 281 872 0051

telefono de la bonita Europe +49 176 7324 7072


Canned fruits in syrup

piña en almíbar en trocitos o rebanadas

Pineapple slices and tidbits in syrup

mango en almíbar en rebanadas de Conservas la Bonita

Mango slices in syrup

coctel de frutas en almíbar en Conservas la Bonita

Tropical fruit cocktail in syrup

cascos de guayaba almíbar en Conservas la Bonita

Guavas shells in syrup

durazno almíbar enteros de Conservas la Bonita

Whole peach in syrup

linchis en Conservas la Bonita

Whole Lychee in Syrup